This training provides an annual review of blood borne pathogen exposure control principles, practices, and requirements as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. This training is required for all personnel who work with human blood or blood products or human tissues, fluids, or “other potentially infectious materials” (OPIM) as defined by OSHA This training provides an annual review of blood borne pathogen exposure control principles, practices, and requirements as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. This training is required for all personnel who work with human blood or blood products or human tissues, fluids, or “other potentially infectious materials” (OPIM) as defined by OSHA
We make bloodborne pathogens and HIPAA training fast and easy with Compliance Publishing’s training videos. This interactive, captivating video and test series keeps your employees attention focused on the material, and helps them to retain this important information better than just a simple powerpoint, or a passive video presentation.
As soon as the training class has been completed, and the user has successfully completed all of the tests, a customized certificate of completion will be created for the user to print. We will also store and organize all of your employees certificates, where they can be viewed and printed at any time.
We will automatically remind each user when it is time for them to retake their annual training. We can also send a reminder to the supervisor when training is required, or completed.
To comply with OSHA and state regulations, businesses with the potential for having a medical waste exposure incident occur must have a system and plan for the safe and compliant cleanup, containment, and disposal of the resulting waste. The facility Exposure Control Plan and risk management procedures should include the following steps:
- Supply PPE appropriate for the type and size of a waste cleanup. The inclusion of gloves, gown, mask, shield, hair cover, and shoe covers will allow for proper protection for any spill.
- Contain spill exposure. For example, absorbents are one of the best methods for the containment of body fluid spills and preventing the fluids from splashing during handling. Of course, contaminated absorption material must still be disposed of safely.
- Contain sharps exposure. In addition to syringes discovered in company restrooms or parking lots, blood spills in the non-health care environment often include broken glass, bloody box cutter blades, or other contaminated sharps. Having a container specifically designed to receive and retain those sharps safely can mean the difference between an exposure incident and proper cleanup.
- Clean and disinfect the surface. Use a product that is designated as both cleaner and disinfectant and make sure the disinfectant is EPA-registered in all states in which it will be used.
- Dispose of the waste.
Logix Environmental provides a compliance program to fit specific needs of our customers.